breakfast dessert fitness Food Health Nutrition oatmeal Photography Pictures protein

Protein Oatmeal: Trail Mix Edition

Someone once asked me, if I could chose any food in the world to eat for the rest of my life, what would I pick? Without hesitation I responded “oatmeal.” I could, without a doubt, eat oatmeal everyday for the rest of my life and not once get sick of it. I know that some […]

Food Health Motivation Nutrition Uncategorized Weight Loss

Orange Cranberry Nut Muffins with Almond Flour

Ahh winter, the season of comfort food…. Have you ever found yourself stuck inside on a cold gloomy day during the wintertime, craving your favorite comfort foods, such as muffins, baked mac n’ cheese, or mashed potatoes? Do you enjoy indulging in comfort food but feel guilty for consuming empty calories that make you feel […]


Energy “Munchkins”

Have you ever had a Larabar? You know, those “fruit and nut” bars that you find in the natural section of the grocery store? Well, if you haven’t, then you don’t know what you are missing out on because they are delicious! (most of them, anyways). And, luckily, they are SO easy to remake into […]