breakfast dessert fitness Food Health Nutrition oatmeal Photography Pictures protein

Protein Oatmeal: Trail Mix Edition

Someone once asked me, if I could chose any food in the world to eat for the rest of my life, what would I pick? Without hesitation I responded “oatmeal.” I could, without a doubt, eat oatmeal everyday for the rest of my life and not once get sick of it. I know that some […]

breakfast dessert Food Health Nutrition Uncategorized Weight Loss

Dessert for Breakfast: Egg White Protein Pancakes

Protein. Pancakes. Chocolate. Peanut butter. Strawberries It sounds and looks more like a dessert than a breakfast to me. But, dessert for breakfast is always the best kind of breakfast anyways, right?  😉 Especially if it is a healthy dessert……I mean breakfast. Typically, pancakes are high in refined carbohydrates and fat, but, with egg whites […]